Saturday, April 08, 2006

No Cash for me please. . .

MrDigital is still on the Sit 'n' Go trail and still winning a few quid whilst I ponder whether to venture back to cash. I play £90’s and upwards to the odd £500 but in general £120’s & £200’s are what I look for. I tend to play 3 per day as mentioned in a previous thread depending on a few very basic rules i've set to allow me to play as well as possible.

1] If I have the time I will play
2] If I’m in the mood I will play
3] If there are no distractions I will play

I do practice game selection to an extent but I have found that in this format I am very confident and that is a major step up in my poker playing life. I read other bloggs and the confidence from players oozes out to sometimes Big Headed proportions. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not knocking them for their perceived abilities (justified or not) I have just never been able to relate to them in this way. You see I have always doubted my abilities as a player and the negative side of me has always infiltrated my consciousness whilst playing. When someone rants at a player or states someone is ‘Carp’ I’ve been a bit like ‘is he’? To dumb to rate anyone cos I was playing on autopilot-tilt-induced-muppetry.

Confidence is obviously a fundamental roleplayer in anyones success where poker is concerned and it's definately one area I hope keeps progressing. You have to be confident to be able to recognise there are players worse than you out there and to even dare announce it WOW (am i sounding bigheaded yet?) Hope not, it's not my style but quietly confident is an acheivement in my struggle for poker stardom so bring it on.

Leading me on to…
My attitude towards poker has been good and my ability to read the game improving all the time. Short Handed Sit & Go’s have a lot to offer foremost, as in the ability to play some real poker. As a recreational player that’s what I want, also the stakes need to be at a level where they mean something to players as my goal is to constantly improve, and you'll never do that on the virtual money tables! Have no fear my friends! the level of play on some of these higher stakes Sit & Go’s is a JOKE! Now take heed blogreaders because that statement is coming from ‘ME’ and the following is an example of play in a £120 six-pac that springs to mind.

I raise to 3 x BB with AA early on in a £120 6-pac Blinds are 15/30 and get one caller and a flop of 2 5 Q rainbow. I bet out pot sized, opponent re-raises so I have to assume that this player has something however, i'm not second guessing here I think my AA is good (famous last words on the cash tables) and proceed to go all in. This player (anonymous for future financial reasons) calls automatically with J 8 off suit ? ? ?. LMFAO the Turn brings an 8 and the river delivers a Tyson like blow to produce a Jack; ouch that hurt! but WTF was he thinking here? the re-raise was OK he could take a decent player off AA so early in an STT but calling the all-in re-raise, what was he beating? he did type sorry (bless his cotton socks). This is obviously an extreme example but the standard of many players on the higher stake Sit & Goes is very poor and any player with a keen eye and enough discipline will rake it in at these levels.

Has tilt disappeared out of my life?

Have I had it under control?

Yes to an extent but I think that the fact that I’ve been carving up the 6-pacs lets me allow a few outdraws cos I’m expecting them. However, I’m going through a spell at the minute where my chips are in when I’m ahead but by the river the ‘Oh well’ is now becoming ‘Oh this is a fekking joke’. In conclusion TILT is lurking and the last few games it has crept in to me calling from behind when I know I should fold which is more disappointing than being outdrawn in my opinion.

At the minute I believe in myself, my game, and my confidence yes you guessed it i'm brilliant :) . I have tilted a couple of times and instead of packing in for the day played another and gave my chips away. Suppose I can’t play perfect poker all the time but overall I have much more consistency. In fairness though I see ‘TILT’ and recognise the emotion when it arrives, that’s a major hurdle for me to jump and I intend to make bigger leaps in the future. I personally don’t think I’m ready for the cash games at the minute but I am now looking at moving up stakes on the Sit & Go’s and maybe looking at other Poker sites that offer these tourney’s.

Played this morning in a £300 six pac and down to the last 3. Made my move on the button with A 6 all-in and one caller who holds K Q off. Flop RAGSSSS Turn RAGGGG River (Just add that i could type this while the dealer decided what was coming)

River ACEEEEEARGHHHH. Finished for the day UL GG WP.

£300 rake back from Betfair and I’ve played the Sit and Go’s and turned it into a nice steady £6000.

Cant’ all be luck CAN IT ? ? ?


Blogger Alex Martin said...

Nice effort Tosh. No, its not all luck. Its the accumulated anti-suckout luck you pick up every time someone rivers you that make you a better player in the long run. Aka Karma.
;) Alex

10:27 am  

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